Ermanno Malaspina

Ermanno Malaspina serves in the role of Academicus ordinarius at the Pontificia Academia Latinitatis, as director of the series Cicero: Studies on Roman Thought and Its Reception (published by De Gruyter), as President of the Advisory Board for the Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron, as Executive Director of the journal Ciceroniana On Line, and as Professor of Latin language and literature at the Università di Torino. The continuity of his research, from its beginning to the present day, has developed along three axis points, best synthesized with the keywords Landscape, Cicero, and Seneca. In the intervening years these interests have expanded to include four minor themes, namely anthropology of the ancient world, the Fortleben of the classics, Latin pedagogy, and digital humanities. In recent years, his primary research projects have been a critical edition of Cicero’s Lucullus through CUF (Les Belles Lettres) and critical edition on the letters of Seneca (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla).