Claudio Griggio

Educated at the Università di Padova under V. Branca, M. Pastore Stocchi, M. Pecoraro, and V. Zaccaria. In 1987 he was named Associate professor of Italian Renaissance Literature at the Università di Trieste, and then subsequently at the Università di Udine where he has served as Chair of Italian Literature until 2015. His research interests center on the fourteenth century (Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio) and Humanism (Francesco Barbaro, Guarino Veronese, Leonardo Bruni, Ambrogio Traversari, Angelo Poliziano, and Andrea Navagero). His interests also extend to the eighteenth century (A. Conti and the “Galleria di Minerva”), with some exploration into the twentieth century (A. Zanzotto). He co-directs the “Archivum mentis. Studi di filologia umanistica” with P. Viti, and the “Rivista di letteratura religiosa italiana” with R. Rabboni; he has also served on the editorial board for “Lettere Italiane” since the 1970s. He is a fellow of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (since 2004) and of the Academia di Udine.