Pestilentia is a bilingual webinar in Latin and Ancient Greek which focuses on both Thucydides’ account of the 430 BCE plague in Athens and the description that Petrarch made about the plague that struck Europe in 1348. This webinar has two parts: the first half, conducted in Latin, will address Petrarch and the second half, conducted in Ancient Greek, will center on several passages from Thucydides.
Schedule | Topic |
die Saturni 21 m. Martii 2020
17:00-17:30 CET |
Περὶ τῶν τε νοσημάτων καὶ τῶν λοιμῶν
Paolo Pezzuolo, Schola Humanistica
17:30-18:00 CET | De contagione, quae anno 1348 morbum per totam Europam vulgavit
Giuseppe Marcellino, Schola Humanistica |