
The Rise and Fall of a Legendary Empire

Online course September 17th – November 9th, 2022


One of the more intriguing and enigmatic myths from antiquity is the rise and fall of Atlantis, the legendary island situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules It was believed to be the seat of a vast domain which 9,000 years before Solon sought to wage war throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, only to fail once confronted by Athens.The legend, reported to Solon by an Egyptian priest, also held that Atlantis sunk into Oceanus.

The sources for the story of Atlantis are the Timaeus and the Critias which have consistently garnered readers throughout the ages with an array of fascinating stories:the ten kings, nocturnal assemblies, laws written on amber tablets, clothing shades of sea green and purple, immense bridges, buildings and towers built with white, black, and red marble, temples to sea divinities, their trade practices, warfare, the walls fashioned by Poseidon in concentric circles, and finally the catastrophe that caused the island and its inhabitants to be engulfed by the ocean.

Part 1: The Myth of Atlantis

This course will explore the foundational texts for the myth of Atlantis from Plato in addition to considering some of the secondary literature and hypotheses that have sought to explain the myth over the centuries. This part of the course will happen in a seminar webinar format via Zoom (Webinar) every Saturday from 17:00 CEST to 18:15. Each lesson will happen entirely in Ancient Attic Greek.

Part 2: Writing and Conversation in Ancient Greek

In addition to the reading sessions, every Tuesday at 18:00 CEST Schola Humanistica will offer a series of workshops on Zoom (Meeting) in which exercises will completed and reviewed with special attention to vocabulary acquisition for the texts explored in the course. Each meeting will allow for opportunities to converse with the other participants of the course and engage with them face to face. These workshops will also provide excercises and activities for those interested in improving their active command of Ancient Greek.

Enrollment in both parts or only one part of the course is possible (see the columns below for more information).

Program schedule

The course has two components which can be pursued separately or jointly.

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Part 1, The Myth of Atlantis


Schedule Topic
I.Saturday, September 17th, 17:00 CEST The Temple of Neith in Egypt
II. Saturday, September 24th, 17:00 CEST Death by fire, death by water
III. Saturday, October 1st, 17:00 CEST The love affairs of Poseidon
IV. Saturday, October 8th, 17:00 CEST The ten kings
V. Saturday, October 15th, 17:00 CEST Temples of sea divinities
VI. Saturday, October 22th, 17:00 CEST Daily life on Atlantis
VII. Saturday, October 29th, 17:00 CET Laws inscribed on amber
VIII. Saturday, November 5th, 17:00 CET The sinking of Atlantis
Part 2, Written and Spoken Ancient Greek Course


When Argomento
I. Wednesday, September 21st, 18:00 CEST Egypt
II. Wednesday, September 28th, 18:00 CEST The four elements
III. Wednesday, October 5th, 18:00 CEST The sea and gods of the sea
IV. Wednesday, October 12th, 18:00 CEST Leadership, tyranny, and the kingdom
V. Wednesday, October 19th, 18:00 CEST Religion and temples
VI. Wednesday, October 26th, 18:00 CEST Public meeting space, commerce, and the ports
VII. Wednesday, November 2nd, 18:00 CET Night assemblies
VIII. Wednesday, November 9th, 18:00 CET Catastrophes









    Paolo Pezzuolo


    Intended course audience

    Teachers, students and scholars of the ancient world.


    Online, using Zoom as a platform


    Ancient Greek


    Intermediate or advanced

    Professional development credit

    At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be issued.

    Registration fee

    77 € for part 1

    77 € for part 2

    150 € for the whole course

    Course registration and Availability to Recorded Sessions

    Upon successfully registering for the course, you will be entered on the list of course participants and you will be emailed the sign in information needed to join the session meetings. At the end of each session, a recording will be made available for the entirety of the course.

    Course Materials

    Course materials will be provided for each session to facilitate exploring the course themes.







    The Priest of Neith


    The Ten Kings of Atlantis