Thesaurus lexicorum Latinorum

Have you ever wondered whether there was a way to easily access all major Latin dictionaries in one place? Schola Humanistica has taken on the task by compiling this material scattered widely across the mare magnum into an indispensable resource. You will now no longer need to spend much more time than turning to this single page in search of the location for the chief dictionaries for Classical Latin, Medieval Latin, and Neo-Latin; this is the largest compilation of its kind for the study of Latin. For each of these indispensable tools of the trade we have also created a summary which will help in determining which dictionary is best suited to your needs. The only task that remains is now to let your colleagues and students know about this resource!

Index lexicorum


1. Classical Latin

a. Thesaurus linguae Latinae

A tool for perfectionists

The ultimate Latin language dictionary (incomplete).

Thesaurus linguae Latinae, Leipzig-München 1901-

b. Lexicon totius Latinitatis

Our preferred choice!

Largest Latin dictionary which has been completed.

Lexicon totius Latinitatis ab Aegidio Forcellini lucubratum, deinde a Iosepho Furlanetto emendatum et auctum, nunc vero curantibus Francisco Corradini et Iosepho Perin emendatius et auctius melioremque in formam redactum, Patavii 1965.

c. Georges

Rigor and discipline!

A thoroughly researched Latin dictionary in German.

K. E. Georges, Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch, Hannover-Leipzig, 1913-1918

d. Lewis & Short

Fast and efficient

Well-known dictionary in the anglophone world.

Ch. T. Lewis – Ch. Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford 1879

e. Dictionnaire etymologique

What’s the etymology for…? Find out in French!

Most authoritative etymological dictionary.

A. Ernout – A. Meillet, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine, Paris 1951

f. Etymologisches Wörterbuch

What’s the etymology for…? Find out in German!

Important etymological dictionary written in German.

A. Walde, Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Heidelberg 1910

g. Antibarbarus

For purists and hardened Ciceronians!

The Antibarbarus by Krebs.

J. Ph. Krebs, Antibarbarus der lateinischen Sprache, Basel 1905, vol. 1 (A-I)
J. Ph. Krebs, Antibarbarus der lateinischen Sprache, Basel 1905, vol. 2 (L-Z)

h. De particulis Latinis

Everything you have ever wanted to know about prepositions, adverbs, and interjections!

The De particulis Latinis, the indispensable work of Tursellinus.

F. G. Hand, Tursellinus, seu de particulis latinis commentarii, Weidman, Leipzig 1829–45, vol. 1 (A-AUTEM)
F. G. Hand, Tursellinus, seu de particulis latinis commentarii, Weidman, Leipzig 1832, vol. 2 (BA-GRATUITO)
F. G. Hand, Tursellinus, seu de particulis latinis commentarii, Weidman, Leipzig 1836, vol. 3 (HA-MULTUM)
F. G. Hand, Tursellinus, seu de particulis latinis commentarii, Weidman, Leipzig 1845, vol. 4 (NAM-PUTA)

2. Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin

a. Du Cange

Thank God for Du Cange!

The most important dictionary for Medieval Latin.

Ch. Du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis, Niort 1883-1887

b. Novum Glossarium mediae Latinitatis

Still incomplete but very reliable!

The Novum Glossarium mediae Latinitatis.

Novum Glossarium mediae Latinitatis, Copenaghen 1957-

c. Niermeyer

Rich and reliable

A dictionary for Medieval Latin in French and English.

J. F. Niermeyer, Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus, Leiden 1954-76

d. Blaise

For Christian Latin

A Latin dictionary with special attention to ecclesiastical diction

A. Blaise, Lexicon Latinitatis medii aevi, praesertim ad res ecclesiasticas investigandas pertinens, Turnhout 1975

e. Ramminger

From the workshop of giants!

Most important dictionary on Neo-Latin.

J. Ramminger, Neulateinische Wortliste. Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700

f. Bacci

For the purists

A dictionary for contemporary expressions and nouns in Latin.

Antonii Bacci Lexicon eorum vocabulorum quae difficilius Latine redduntur, Roma 1949

g. Neo-Latin Lexicon

It can be said in Latin (almost)!

Neo-Latin Lexicon of Morgan and Owens.

D. Morgan – P. Owens, Neo-Latin Lexicon

h. Orbis Latinus

Travelling through the world in Latin

The Orbis Latinus of Grasse.

J. G. Th. Grässe, Orbis Latinus. Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Grossausgabe, Braunschweig 1972

i. Onomasticon Totius Latinitatis

Latin names are no joke!

Largest work available on names.

G. Perin, Onomasticon Totius Latinitatis, Padova 1913, vol. 1 (A-I)

j. Lexicon nominum virorum et mulierum

Tell me your name in Latin!

The very helpful work of Karl Egger.

C. Egger, Lexicon nominum virorum et mulierum, Roma 1963

3. Noted Dictionaries of the Humanists

a. Elegantiae

The Elegantiae of Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457).

L. Valla, Elegantiae linguae Latinae, Basel 1540

b. Cornucopiae

The word list of Niccolo Perotti (1429-1480).

N. Perotti, Cornucopiae seu linguae Latinae commentarii, Basel 1526

c. De orthographia

The De Orhographia of Giovanni Tortelli (1400-1466).

G. Tortelli, De orthographia, Roma 1471

d. Calepinus

Calepinus: dictionary of Ambrogio Calepio (1435-1511).

A. Calepio, Dictionarium Latinum, Reggio Emilia 1502

e. Thesaurus

The Thesaurus of Robert Estienne (1503-1559).

R. Stephanus, Dictionarium seu Latinae linguae Thesaurus, Paris 1543, vol. 1 (A-I)
R. Stephanus, Dictionarium seu Latinae linguae Thesaurus, Paris 1543, vol. 2 (L-P)
R. Stephanus, Dictionarium seu Latinae linguae Thesaurus, Paris 1543, vol. 3 (Q-Z)

f. Gesner

The Thesaurus of Johann Matthias Gesner (1691-1761).

J. M. Gesner, Novus linguae et eruditionis Romanae thesaurus, Leipzig 1749